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Fun & Creativity


Our classrooms have an art shelf set up with basic art supplies to be readily accessible to the children.  This includes paper, crayons, markers, glues, scissors, and different shaped scraps.  Other supplies are presented onto the art shelf and rotated in, such as egg cartons, tape, hold punches, craft sticks, felt pieces, chalk, etc.  At True Vine Childcare Center, children enhance skills in fine motor development, mathematics and science.

Music & Movement

Music is provided daily.  We sing during circle time, during transition times, at lunch time, and whenever possible.  Folk, children's cultural and classical music is explored.  Activities include dancing, alone and with each other, moving isolated parts of their bodies, acting like many different animals, moving fast and slow, jumping, skipping, hopping, exercising, clapping, marching, etc.  We also present and explore musical instruments with the children.

Dramatic Play

Dramatic Play offers great opportunity for children to express themselves, develop their language skills and practice real-life roles such as mom, dad, nurse, teacher, dentist, grocery store clerk and more.  All children are provided opportunities to participate in dress-up and act out stories or events, such as going to work or to the beach.


Children sort, label and classify objects by shape, color, size and more.  Teachers ask open ended questions to encourage making connections between thoughts and the spoken word.  We read to the children daily and use puppets and finger plays.  Language skills are interwoven through all learning experiences including dramatic play, music and movement, science and math.  There are many opportunities for individual and group story writing, journaling and taking daily dictation.


Children are provided opportunities to explore math properties in their environment every day.  Each classroom is equipped with blocks which are a child's first and most important math tool.  We have sorting trays and sorting objects, different size containers, measuring bins, matching items, tiles and other counting items, counting trays, fraction puzzles, play money, etc.  We ask questions regularly: How many do you have?  How many are in that container?  How many house did you sleep last night? Are all these the same size? which one is the largest, and which one is the smallest?  We get the children accustomed to questions and encourage them to find the answers, if they don not know.

Outside Play

The outdoors provide ample opportunities to enhance children's gross motor skills as their is space to run, jump, and ride tricycles.  Our play structures allow children to climb, swing, slide and go up and down steps.

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